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CodeMonkey Joins UNESCO Initiative for COVID-19 Educational Response

CodeMonkey is proud to be part of the UNESCO initiative “Combat COVID-19: Keep learning. Together we are on the move!” alongside partners such as Google, Zoom and Coursera.  CodeMonkey is participating as part of the Tal Education Group, in this effort, which is bringing organizations together for immediate joint action.

UNESCO estimates that over 850 million children and youth – roughly 80% of the world’s student population – is out of schools and universities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond the impact on learning, this crisis has also had other negative repercussions, including social isolation, exacerbating inequality between students’ access to online learning and economic repercussions.

In the framework of the UNESCO initiative CodeMonkey is offering its full curriculum for free (with registration- at this link) for all schools that are closed due to COVID-19. The programs are varied and include tailored options for pre-k through 8th grade, in block-based coding, Python, game creation courses and more.

In addition, CodeMonkey is giving free access to all the courses on its “Hour of Code” program, which include teacher notes and do not require registration.  These programs also include pre-k through 8th grade options, with content ranging from block-based coding, Coffeescript and Python.

Boaz Zaionce, COO and VP Marketing at CodeMonkey, is excited about being in the position to help students in this crazy, challenging time: “The CodeMonkey platform, which teaches kids to code and to love coding, either independently or in a classroom – or virtual classroom – setting, is perfect for learning from home scenarios, like the one we are in now. We’re happy that through our unique free packages, and participation in the UNESCO initiative, we can reach more and more kids throughout the world.  We invite everyone – educators, parents and kids – to take advantage of these special free programs and help kids learn to code at home in a fun way.”


Mickey Singer is a Entrepreneur and marketing professional, with rich experience in marketing, branding, advertising, business development and sales. Background working in sectors including: cybersecurity, publishing, non-profit, hi-tech, cleantech (water and energy), agritech, braintech, Edu-Tech, publishing and film/TV. The texts she writes are always informative, based on qualitative research but nevertheless pleasant to read.

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