Meet the Teacher: Doug Peterson

Welcome to Meet the Teacher – CodeMonkey’s blog segment where teachers from all over the world share their experiences on what it’s like being an educator. Today’s post features Doug Peterson who is an Independent Consultant and former CS Teacher from Ontario, Canada.

“I was inspired to be a teacher by having great teachers, I was impressed by the impact they had on my classmates and me, and I wanted to be able to do the same.

The most satisfying part of teaching is being there when the “lights go on” with students and know that you had some part of that! It’s important to me that my students are able to problem solve and then be able to explain their solution in their own words. When that happens, you know that you’ve succeeded.

I think we’re on the brink of truly making the use of technology non-negotiable and have it realize its potential. This potential includes the ability to truly personalize education for students, this will be monumental.

As a connected educator, I truly believe that I have a deeper understanding of the issues and topics than I ever would without the connections. There are so many wonderful educators who are not afraid to share their learning, opinions, and insights and to reach out and help others’. I like to think that my payback to those I connect with is equally as valuable to others.”

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