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Meet the Teacher: Donna Hascup

Welcome to Meet the Teacher – CodeMonkey’s blog segment where teachers from all over the world share their experiences on what it’s like being an educator. Today’s post features Donna Hascup, a K-8 Technology Director & Media Specialist at Redeemer Lutheran Church and School in Stuart, Florida.

“I originally worked at our local public library in the children’s department.  I was approached by a parent from Redeemer Lutheran who attended my story times asking me if I would consider taking the place of their librarian who was moving into the 1st grade classroom as a teacher…the rest is history, that was 24 years ago. I am now Redeemer’s Media Specialist and Technology Director. I also run the Makerspace and the engineering, robotics, and coding clubs at the school.

I am always on the lookout for new challenging and creative ideas to try with my students. I would never assume I know everything; there is always something that someone else is doing better than me.  I daily learn something new from colleagues, other professionals that I am connected with on social media, educational and professional blogs, and even my students. I am never afraid to try, or to fail. Trying again and again and finally succeeding is the fun part! I love posting our daily goings on to our website and Instagram page @rlcsrams!

Most recently I gave a workshop on integrating technology into the Early Childhood classroom.  It was enlightening to see how many schools do not have or could not afford the technologies we are so fortunate to have here and use daily with our students at Redeemer.  I learned that not every child has the same opportunity to experience the many technologies available, and that some educators may not even be aware of the many free technologies that are available to them. I am now more aware of how fortunate I and my students are, and I am committed to assisting those who are less fortunate by finding them funding sources and introducing them to free technologies that are ready available. 

It’s important to me that my students never give up, believe in themselves, accept their failures, and share in each other’s successes.

One piece of advice I have for teachers who are just now introducing educational technology into their classroom is don’t be afraid……Fred Rogers said it best. ‘The greatest gift you ever give is your honest self.’ Kids know when you are giving your true self, no one is perfect, bask in your imperfections! Be adventurous, take risks, and be willing to make mistakes. There is so much joy in successful problem solving! We are so blessed to share our days with our students.  I need to remind myself of this daily.  Never forget the positive influence you can be.”

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