One hour of

Beaver Achiever

A Block-based Coding Game
for 6+ year olds

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block-based as the foundations of code

Beaver Achiever teaches 1st & 2nd graders the basics of coding, rather than writing out the code, students will drag and drop coding blocks that represent actual code. The minimal text throughout the course makes it the perfect solution for early readers. With its fun graphics, intuitive interface and easy-to-follow instructions, students will quickly catch on!

Beaver Achiever

Students will use block coding to help a beaver with fun and engaging tasks.​

not required



cute bird

12 LEvels

The game consists of over 12 levels


6-7 year olds

students won’t have to worry about their reading and writing skills in order to play

coding adventure turtle

Coding concepts

Students will learn sequencing, loops, logic and more

chicken laughing


Using a block sequence, students will program the Beaver to do various tasks

teacher resources

teacher notes

Access CodeMonkey’s teacher notes for Beaver Achiever to learn all the tips and tricks on how to host an hour of code in your classroom.

Full lesson plans available with a subscription

Standards alignment


Beaver Achiever aligns to the CSTA standards so you know you are bringing a quality curriculum to your students.

For the Hour of Code course

Play Video about block based coding explained

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