Case Study:

Rogers public SCHOOLS –
Elmwood Middle School

Rogers SD Case Study

CodeMonkey provides a fun and engaging way to teach our state’s Coding Block standards.

Rogers Public Schools District – Elmwood Middle School | Rogers, Ar

Our state requires that all students in Keycode (offered to 7th and 8th graders) get 5 straight weeks of a “coding block” that involvestext-based coding, not block coding. Our district, with teacher input and feedback, decided to use CodeMonkey to meet this need.

Key Challenges:

We are a large district, and each middle school assigns teachers to teach Keycode based on different criteria. It is not uncommon to have teachers at some of our middle schools assigned to teach a coding block who have zero experience with coding. Using CodeMonkey helps each school teach the same standards and tasks, at a similar pace, and it is easier for those teachers who have little to no experience with coding to teach the subject matter.

Rogers Public Schools students

“CodeMonkey provides a fun and engaging way to teach our state’s Coding Block standards.”

Implementation of CodeMonkey:

We typically use CodeMonkey near the end of the semester, for a minimum of 5 consecutive weeks, in all of our KeyCode classes. We use Coding Adventure Parts 1, 2, and 3. The onboarding process gets easier for the teachers as they use it from year to year. It can be difficult initially. It really helps to have a lead teacher at each building to help new teachers with the process initially.

Impact on Students and Teachers:

Some of our student population move between the different middle schools in our district, and using CodeMonkey has really helped those students who move from another middle school in the district to jump into a new class with a more seamless transition and less loss of content knowledge, etc.

Achievement of Goals:

The goal is to provide a fun and engaging way of teaching the state Coding Block standards. We are achieving this goal with the use of CodeMonkey. We haven’t already achieved this goal, but we are making progress.

Do you have an experience to share?

We at CodeMonkey would like to hear your story and how coding in general, CodeMonkey in particular, helped your organization as a whole. We’d love to hear about the experience of students, teachers, school or district-level management. 

We would like to share these stories with others so they can be inspired to bring the gift of coding to their organizations. We’d like to show that both large and small organizations have their own unique story. There are so many ways to educate the younger generation!

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CodeMonkey offers educational resources suitable for different grades and experience levels.