Один час

Linus the Lemur

Игра с блочным кодированием
for 5-8 year olds

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The game is set in Madagascar. Our protagonist is a friendly lemur named Linus. You play as Linus as he is saving his friends the Lumlums from being eaten by the evil mole. The Lumlums are magical creatures who grow in the ground and like to play music. Each Lumlum has their own traditional Madagascar musical instrument.

Linus the lemur

Linus is having fun using computers! Help him collect items he needs, such as a screen and mouse. The Chameleon raises and lowers the tress, making Linus reach different heights or clear the path.

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Linus the Lemur mini course thumbnail

ABOUT Linus the Lemur


милая птичка

10 challenges

The game consists of 10 exciting challenges


5-8 year olds

CodeMonkey’s course for K-2 – no reading or writing required

кодирование приключений черепаха

Концепции кодирования

Students will learn sequencing, loops, arguments and more

курица смеется


Using a block sequence, students will program Linus to get to the Lumlums while collecting all computer parts

ресурсы для учителя

заметки учителя

Access CodeMonkey’s teacher notes for Linus the Lemur to learn all the tips and tricks on how to host an час кода в вашем классе.

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