
monthly activity


Бесплатная пробная версия

Introducing limited-time coding games exclusively available to CodeMonkey subscribers! 

Available for a limited time!  ✦  Block-based coding.  ✦  All coding levels.  ✦  Available for Schools, Home, and Trial users.

October 28-November 17​

'Halloween Challenge'

Linus the Lemur - Monthly - Halloween

✦  10 Challenges 

Join Linus on an exciting adventure to collect pumpkins, candies, and other fun surprises. Use the new blocks to help Linus navigate his way through 10 unique challenges—move the trees up and down to clear obstacles or reach new heights!

In this activity, you’ll discover two brand-new coding blocks: one to raise the trees and another to lower them. If Linus is standing on the tree, you can lift or lower him too. Can you help Linus save the LumLums? Let’s find out!

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to help kids try out their coding skills!

Бесплатная пробная версия

Предыдущий Monthly Activities:

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Monthly Activities can be played for all coding levels.

CodeMonkey courses are completely web-based, meaning there is no need to download anything prior.
Да, всегда требуется подключение к Интернету.
CodeMonkey is available on web-based browsers.

Not at all! The holiday course does not require teachers to have any previous coding experience or knowledge.

Чего же вы ждёте?

Начните преподавать ученикам основы компьютерных наук и подготовьте их к будущему!