Could you please close your eyes for a moment and imagine life without stress? This simple mental exercise does a trick: the more you are absorbed by the atmosphere of the overall calmness, the more you start to get bored. Does it mean that we should stop looking for the perfect tips on how to stop stressing? No, we have to know what to do in different stressful situations. If you envision not even a slight emotional impulse but sheer prevailing peace, you realize that little stress is even beneficial. However, the same as we hate constant rushing, we also hate constant tranquility, which makes the whole world dormant. Indeed, stress can be positive, as it encourages us to fight our fears, overcome obstacles, and become more motivated.
Yet, there are also instances when the amount of stress is superfluous. When the exam season starts, stress levels of students and teachers significantly escalate. More and more students are suffering from frustration, burnouts, and many stress-related mental health issues when they have to deal with all their home assignments, essays, and other tasks almost at once. So, how to remain fruitful when your schedule is super hectic? While many students decide to buy custom essays online, and you can do that aquĆ, we still need to come up with other ultimate ways to enhance our productivity and diminish critical stress levels. When this stress mode is āswitched onā within our brains, the release of high cortisol levels can make our way of thinking slightly hazy, which hinders the rational generation of our thoughts. It is essential to keep calm and stay organized even if you feel overly emotional. Evidently, it may be difficult to accomplish in practice when you are going through sheer pandemonium of emotions.
The following steps can help people relieve stress. Those hints will be exceptionally advantageous to students rushing through the exam season right now.
1. Find Your Perfect Learning Mode
We cannot advise the exact study technique for you to become less stressed and more productive. Everyone has his or her suitable learning style. Sometimes, your revising process may not be different from your usual learning one. The secret may be even in keeping the same pace. If you accelerate your brainwork, it does not mean you will learn more efficiently. You will just feel more anxious. If you like to study in groups in libraries or cozy cafes, where thereās only a slight background noise, then your preparation for exams can be the same. In contrast, other individuals prefer to study alone, as people around them can provoke anxiety as well. Some of the conventional and fruitful methods to study are lecturesā revision, flashcards, quizzes, and material review tests. Find the most appropriate learning style and try to adhere to it.
2. Eat Healthy Food
There are some answers of students on their study diet. It basically proves that eating healthy food is much more favorable. Oliver from Australia said, āI do my best not to skip breakfasts, as most of my classes start in the morning. My breakfast contains much protein: seafood, poultry, eggs, or dairy products. I can occasionally add some fruits, which varies depending on the season.ā
Another student Miriam said, āI love eating sandwiches or doughnuts in the morning. I also drink coffee with milk. Although I am a sweet tooth, my dinner always contains some vegetables, nuts, and fruits.ā One more tip regarding a balanced diet is to drink enough water. It depends on your bodyās needs, but you will instantly feel drained and dehydrated if you drink only tea and coffee but not normal fizz-free water.
3 Make Up a Plan for Your Studies
Many students state that after they had created visualized study plans, they became much more productive. Visual reminders help you keep track of all your duties and subsequent tasks. Such study plans are great helpers for procrastinators. You will know whether you did everything or how many tasks are left ahead. There will be no time to indulge in procrastination. This study plan should contain not only your basic homework and exam schedules but also some extracurricular activities, including social meet-ups and interest clubs. It is more about organizing all the aspects of your life. So, it is reasonable to include even leisure into the chosen means of visualization.
4. Do Not Neglect Your Hobbies
Overloading your mind with never-ending textbooks and scholarly material may gradually turn you into a grumpy creature with great erudition but lack of energy. If you have a hobby, especially a creative one, it is quintessential to dedicate at least 30 minutes to practicing it, even in between your study sessions. It can be any activity you enjoy doing: from cooking, poetry writing to singing, and playing a sports game. If you play a musical instrument, it will help you relax and revitalize your brain, making your mind even more agile for further academic researching and composing. Music is an extremely useful skill, and its regular practice can positively influence your overall productivity.
Also, instead of watching your favorite TV show, it is advisable to do some physical exercise, such as yoga or some ordinary stretching or jogging. Listen to your favorite songs and dance to the music. Your studying routine will not be monotonous again if you cheer yourself up with such pleasant activities from time to time. It is just important to set the timer for both learning sessions and energy-refilling breaks.
5. Do Not Hesitate to Contact Your Professors when You Get Stuck on a Task
It is wrong to think that your mentors are not interested in your academic well-being. Their work and your success are interdependent. Of course, you should not bother your professors whenever you thought about something. You should definitely address your instructors when you feel puzzled or insecure regarding some assignment. A decent professor is always willing to help and provide some precious hints. Just do not be afraid of reaching out to them. All in all, academic advisors and educators are here to give suggestions and make your study path exciting and meaningful. You may be surprised by the amount of useful information your professor might give you via email.
6. Maintain a Good Sleep Routine
Alicia from London said, āMy life radically changed when I started to pay attention to my sleeping routine. I feel fully energized when I sleep from 7 to 8 hours. I was a night owl, but now Iām going to bed no later than midnight. It appears to be not so necessary to burn the midnight oil, as I manage to cope with all my tasks during the dayā. Thus, a common rule to go to bed and wake up at the same time truly works.
There is also a paradox in reverse: if you feel much stress, you can suffer from insomnia, but if you do not sleep well, it will eventually lead to more stress in your life. If you have problem falling asleep, take a warm bath, sit in quiet and read a book instead of scrolling down social media accounts. You can also drink liquid melatonin to make your sleeping habits more effective. It is advisable to switch off all the devices one hour before going to bed.
7. Find Your Secret Inspiration Nook
It is good to have a cozy place where you always want to go to whenever you feel distraught or uneasy. It can be your special nook where you can relax and be on your own. Your room can also be that wonderful safe place. So, if you spend too much time there, then it is better to search for an alternative. Perhaps, you can find such a place in the park, in a book store, cafeteria, or in any other place where you feel at peace. Being alone for some time is a perfect technique to shift your concentration on your inner world. Sometimes, meditation significantly helps. You can meditate in your room when no one is around. This way, your body will be your perfect sanctuary, where you can find harmony within yourself. So, now you are well aware how to stop stressing!