The CodeMonkey BananaCast

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Hey there, educators, parents, and all lovers of computer science. Welcome to the CodeMonkey BananaCast, where we talk about the important issues you care about from EdTech, STEM education, coding, reducing your teacher workload, being a working parent, and all that goes along with that. 

CodeMonkey is an award-winning K-8 curriculum here to make learning computer science a blast for kids everywhere. So let’s swing into this adventure together and talk about the stuff that matters! 

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Be a Guest on the CodeMonkey BananaCast

We are looking for experts in EdTech, Coding, Computer Science, Parents or Teachers with insights or personal stories on the subject and more!

Our host Keren will help set up a time with you and give you the EASY BREEZY run down of how to be a guest!

⭐ From the comfort of your own home.
⭐ Use on your promotional channels.
⭐ Not recorded live – so no worry!!! 


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Escribe el código. Atrapa plátanos. Salvar el mundo.

Visualizamos una experiencia de aprendizaje global en base a juegos, en la que nacen y crecen las próximas generaciones de programadores.

Nuestro objetivo es presentar una plataforma interesante en la que el conocimiento de programación se adquiera junto a las habilidades del siglo XXI, a través de juegos y resolviendo acertijos, inventando, creando y compartiendo en colaboración.