What is Computer Coding?

“Learning to code is the single best thing anyone can do to get the most out of the amazing future in front of us.” – Marc Andreessen, Co-founder of venture capitalist firm Andreessen Horowitz.

Coding will be a significant part of our future; whether it will be for helping to simplify everyday tasks or for coding programmes to help people around the world. Most of us have a rough idea of what coding is and what it does, though there are some older generations out there who, understandably, have no idea what it is. Those who have a basic understanding of coding, still have likely not stopped to consider how vital coding is to our daily lives or how it actually even works. Continue reading to find out what coding is; why coding is important; how coding works; the different types of coding languages; who should learn to code; how can your child learn to code; benefits and challenges of coding; career prospects that involve coding; and how coding can be used to help change the world. 

What is coding and why is it important?

Coding is writing the language of computers, and providing them with instructions so they can function. Unlike humans, computers are not innately intelligent and can’t actually think for themselves (despite the incredible advancements in Artificial Intelligence – AI); they can learn, but they can’t think. Computers have to be provided with very specific instructions in order to perform the way we want them to. AI still has to be programmed in order to work. 

Without coding, computers, apps, devices, the Internet and even things like traffic light systems would simply not work, highlighting the indispensable quality of coding in our everyday lives. 

How does coding work?

Coding is the written instructions for a computer to do what is required. Consider a recipe but for a computer. The instructions provide the computer with directions of what to do and what order to do it in. All coding languages should be clear, simple and sequenced, with significant attention to detail.

The vast majority of computers operate with a binary system, where code is broken down into 0s and 1s to communicate every piece of information. The position of the ‘bits’ (binary digits) determines the value of the binary number. Even though there are many coding languages (nearly 9000), these are translated from human language into ‘bits’ for the computer to interpret. 

The instructions, usually called алгоритмы, required for computers must be very detailed (step-by-step), succinct and also provide the computer with the capability to handle some unforeseen circumstances. 

Let’s look at a real-life example of how a human makes decisions. Consider a simple task like taking your dog for a walk; you will make many small decisions that you aren’t intentionally aware of. For example, you decide whether or not to wear rainboots based on the weather, you choose certain routes depending on what kind of walk you want, or you might decide to bring treats for the dog. Uh oh! While on the walk, you’ve run out of poo bags. However, you will be able to determine a course of action in this instance because you are able to problem-solve and think for yourself.

Computers aren’t able to make decisions independently unless we specifically instruct them to do so. That’s why coding can be so complicated, as there are many scenarios to consider when writing code; programmers try to anticipate as many unforeseen circumstances as possible.

What are the different types of coding languages?

As mentioned above, there are nearly 9000 coding languages in existence. However, there are a select few (relatively speaking) that are regularly used. Coding languages will depend on the intended use of what you are programming (i.e., video games, websites, apps, etc.,), different platforms and different operating systems. Some of the most popular coding languages for kids include CoffeeScript, Python, HTML, JavaScript, and C++.  

Who should learn coding?

The short answer: everyone. Coding is such a valuable skill in so many ways, that everyone should seek to have a basic understanding of it. In fact, learning coding earlier in life is better; it’s very similar to learning another language (since it essentially is) and there have been many studies that support the idea that younger children pick up languages more quickly.  

Children as young as four can start learning the foundations of coding through визуальное программирование, which has a more visual approach; it allows younger children to learn the basics of programming without getting hung up on the complicated composition that often accompanies text-based coding languages. 

As children get older, they will likely outgrow block-based coding. There are many ways to continue their coding journey, with the natural progression being to next learn text-based coding. Text-based coding will allow your child to program more creatively as their skills improve; they won’t face the limitations that block-based coding inherently has. 

What are the best resources to help my child learn code?

Teaching code is now part of most children’s curriculums at school, so your child has likely already started learning to code. In fact, the UK in 2014, was the first country to mandate teaching code to primary and secondary school children. Most countries, having recognised the importance of this skill, have followed suit. A quick web search for your child’s computer science curriculum should reveal how and what they will be learning.

The best way to encourage your child to learn to code is through coding games. If your child has a keen interest in coding and wants to learn more than what they are doing in school, there are many courses and clubs that you can enrol your child in. Most of these courses and clubs will teach a variety of coding languages in fun and engaging ways.

What are some of the benefits of learning coding?

There are so many benefits to learning to code that go beyond the actual skill of coding. Among other things, coding can help your child improve their problem-solving skills, enhance creativity, boost confidence, and nurture collaboration, whilst developing persistence and resilience. Furthermore, coding is a significant aspect of the fundamental STEM subjects (the acronym used for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). Coding actually spans across all elements of STEM, though it is most commonly associated with the T – Technology. Learning to code will support your child in both academics and creativity, as well as the soft skills mentioned above.

What are some of the challenges of learning to code?

As previously stated, learning to code is like learning a new language. In fact, learning any new skill will come with its own set of challenges. Here are some of the most common challenges faced by children when learning to code.

programmer working

Understanding a Coding Language:

Many children will find the syntax of text-based coding languages difficult, but there are many resources for children to use that focus on the fun element of coding, rather than just the language itself. Also, beginning with a block-based coding language will underpin the fundamental understanding of programming before progressing towards a text-based language. Some of the vocabulary of coding languages might be tricky for your child (and you) to understand, so be sure to brush up on some of the common coding terminology to help!


Some children will encounter frustration when their code doesn’t immediately work, which can then lead to a lack of confidence when coding. One way to help your child overcome this is to invite collaboration. This can be with other members of the household or with friends. As they say, “Two heads are better than one”. This will take the stress and frustration of solving problems away from just one person. 

Eventually, as your child learns to tackle the problems that arise when writing code with perseverance and resilience, their confidence will flourish too. 

Perceptions of Coding:

Girls may think that coding is just for boys and may be put off by this perception. Tell them about Ada Lovelace, the woman who wrote the world’s first published computer program in 1842, or of Margaret Hamilton, who coded the computer for the Apollo 11 mission to put man on the moon. You could also mention that supermodel Karlie Kloss has now ventured into the realm of technology and even offers coding scholarships.

Some children might think coding is only for very clever or ‘nerdy’ children. This is quite the opposite! Jimmy Fallon (comedian and late-night host) and Chris Bosh (NBA All-Star) both know how to code, and both attended university for computer science. 

Outdated Technology:

Supporting your child at home with coding may not be something you are able to cater to. With the rapidly changing nature of technology, devices, and programs quickly become obsolete; tablets and smartphones have a lifespan of 2-3 years and laptops have a lifespan of 3-5 years, where they operate with peak performance. For some, it is not financially possible to keep up with technological advancements. For that reason, be sure to check out some of the coding clubs, which will often provide the devices and/or programs needed.

Lack of Subject Knowledge:
Unless you are a parent who already knows about coding because of your profession or because you are naturally interested in it, chances are you don’t have sufficient background knowledge in coding. Fear not! One way you can support your child in coding is to learn alongside them. Your child can even teach you, which will further help embed their own learning; it’s a great way for you and your child to spend time together, while both learning a new skill!

What are the prospects for careers in coding?

Coding is a valuable skill with ample career opportunities. In fact, according to the US Bureau of Statistics, roles for software developers are predicted to grow by 26% over the next ten years – far exceeding the average for other careers (5%). Likewise, the UK government is actively seeking to ensure a ‘high-skilled STEM workforce’ to deliver its ‘science superpower ambitions’. 

Just some of the careers (with potentially lucrative salaries) that a child could embark on, which feature coding are:
·      Video Game or Web Developer

·      Data Scientist

·      Computer Systems Analyst

·      IT Consultant/Analyst

·      Software Engineer

·      IT Security Specialist

Moreover, there are many professions that recognize coding as incredibly valuable, though not officially part of the role. Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, said, “Learning to write programs stretches your mind, and helps you think better, creates a way of thinking about things that […] is helpful in all domains”.

How can coding be used to solve real-world problems?

Coding can be a creative outlet and one with real career prospects for the future, but your child may dream of trying to make a difference in the world when they’re older. Coding can actually help with that!

Throughout recent history, coding has allowed for some pretty fantastic achievements. Alan Turing and his bombe machines were pivotal in ending World War Two. In 1969, the moon landing would have never occurred without computers and those who coded them. Currently, we have self-driving cars and rapidly progressing AI technology. Even small conveniences like remotely changing the temperature in your home, smart vacuums or the ‘Dog Mode’ feature of a Tesla are powered by coding.

Your child could one day change the world by coding a program that helps reverse climate change or ends poverty. They could also drive change to make life even more convenient. The sky’s the limit and coding could help your child to achieve their dreams.

So, while coding was once upon a time seen as something just for those who were keenly interested in computers and was portrayed as being ‘space age’ and futuristic, it is squarely part of our modern ways of living. Without coding, computers and many (most) of our modern conveniences would stop working. Furthermore, learning to code will nurture both soft and hard skills, as well as provide many career opportunities for the future. Coding is not only a part of our daily lives but will continue to be part of the future and could provide your child with the opportunities to make the world a better place! 

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