Meet The Teacher: Antoinette (Toni) Remenaric

Robotics Teacher | Massillon, Ohio | Massillon Intermediate & Junior High School | Grades:  5ЫЙ, 6ЫЙ, 7ЫЙ & 8ЫЙ

Tell us a little bit about your background, how you became a teacher and specifically a teacher in Computer Science?

My background includes an Associate Degree in Business Management and 4 years working for Central Trust Bank.  Then, I got my Bachelor of Science in Education for Elementary Education grades 1-8.  I also have a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction.  After 18 years of teaching Math, I decided to make a change.  I’ve been teaching Robotics for the last 9 years.  I use the Lego Education program called Lego Mindstorms.  When the pandemic hit, I had to find online lessons that matched ours.  When I found CodeMonkey, I fell in love with the program, especially since it’s similar to Lego programming.  We finally purchased a site license for CodeMonkey for the last 2 years.  I am so grateful.  It has helped my students become better coders, for sure!

How do you utilize CodeMonkey courses and platforms with your students, and why do you think it is a good educational tool for kids?

My Robotics curriculum is Lego Mindstorms. But, CodeMonkey was added to the curriculum last year, per my request. I needed something for the students that supported the coding/programming of our robots. And, CodeMonkey was and is the answer. Students learn different types of lego commands during a lesson that is done with the whole class. They use that lesson to complete projects with their robots. For instance, this week, I taught the students how to use the “Move Tank” command, which is a command with split axles and 2 power settings. We practiced and programmed the robot to drive straight, forward & backward, make small, 90 degree turns, do large, rounded turns and zero turn spins. They use that lesson, with notes, to complete the Figure 8 project. They have to program the robot to make a figure 8 around and under their chair, without hitting any of the legs. Once they are finished with the project, they complete the rubric with the exit slip, they get their project graded and they work on their CodeMonkey lessons that are assigned for this quarter. My students are figuring out commands that I haven’t taught them yet, because of CodeMonkey. It has given them confidence in their coding skills and helps them apply what they have learned before I’ve done the lesson. It is a fabulous educational tool that I hope I get to keep every year!

Could you share a funny or interesting short story that happened in class with your students, which you think is relevant to mention?

When my students start working on their CodeMonkey lessons, they will tell me that the lessons are “easy.”  Then, about half way into the first lesson, they are asking for additional help.  I try to tell them when we first get started that the lessons will progress in difficulty.  They will say, “Oh,” or “I get it now,” once I’ve explained the concept to them.  Some of my students would rather work on CodeMonkey than work with the actual robots in our rooms.  Thankfully, they go hand in hand.

Complete the sentence: It’s important to me that my students… 

are kind to one another, learn something from me that they will never forget and remember that I am fair, honest and happy to have them in class.  =)

What is one piece of advice you have for teachers who are just now introducing educational technology into their classrooms and are looking to engage their students?

I would tell teachers not to be afraid to give it a try.  The students are already leaps and bounds ahead of us in technology.  They’ve never known a world without technology.  So, let’s show them something new that may lead to a career in the future.

Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

I am so thankful that I found CodeMonkey during the pandemic.  I would utilize the 30-day free trial with each of my classes.  I would create new emails every semester so that my students wouldn’t miss out the coding lessons on CodeMonkey.  Now that my district has purchased a site license, I am over the moon.  There are so many more lessons that aren’t part of the free trial.  And, I love it!   

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