Как научить детей Python: все, что вам нужно знать

С запуском новейшей версии CodeMonkey Курс Python, Banana Tales, это идеальное время для глубокого погружения в Python, чтобы вы узнали все о популярном языке, прежде чем преподавать его своим ученикам.

Что такое Python?

Python was developed in 1991 by Dutch programmer Guido van Rossum to meet his vision of an easy and intuitive computer language that could compete with more complicated alternatives. Since then, Python has proven to be a widely-used coding language that sets itself apart. Rossum was an innovator in his vision of creating a text-based programming language that’s not only useful but also easy to learn and implement.

Почему Python так популярен?

With libraries of ready-made code, English-like mechanisms, and broad uses, Python remains a clear choice for many developers.

Открытый исходный код: Python has proven itself as one of the most-used programming languages largely because it is open-source. Since anyone can contribute to the development of Python, programmers can import libraries with ready-made code to create programs more efficiently.

Простой синтаксис: The way Python code is written is fairly similar to English, making it almost as easy to understand as the spoken language. Python is formatted with a clean, streamlined design as it does not have many punctuation marks (i.e., it does not use curly brackets) and special cases as do many other programming languages.

Функциональный: Python can be used to create a wide range of programs, making it a popular choice in the real world. You can use it to build games, web browsers, and word processors. Whatever you are interested in building, Python can most likely help you in the process.

Философия программирования на Python

Какие концепции кодирования я должен знать?

Перед тем, как познакомить студентов с Python, рекомендуется ознакомиться с основными концепциями программирования, которые есть в Python.

  • Переменные: These containers store values. Variables can be changed throughout the program. The value in one variable can be copied and stored in another.
  • Данные: В Python данные могут включать числа, строки (фрагменты текста) или логические значения (True или False).
  • Вход и выход: Input and output make up the flow of a program. Input refers to data flowing into the computer such as typed text, files, or mouse clicks. Output refers to data coming out of the computer such as visual, auditory, or tactile information.

концепции кодирования для детей
Вы можете думать о вводе и выводе как о банановом смузи, прежде чем вы сможете насладиться напитком, вам сначала нужно добавить ингредиенты и обработать их в блендере.
  • Логические операторы: ‘and’ is a command that will be true if both of the operands (x and y) are true. ‘or’ is true if either of the operands is true (x or y).
  • Класс: Classes are essentially a template to create your objects. In a class, we will define the object’s properties and methods.
  • Условные: Conditionals are the decision-makers in the program. You can add code that will run only in certain situations. A conditional statement returns only True or False.
  • Циклы: Loops are a great way to write repeating code with efficiency. The ‘for’ loop is a simple loop used to iterate or repeat, over a sequence. A ‘while’ loop continues as long as its condition is met.
  • Список: A list is a structure in Python that keep items in an ordered sequence of items. It is one of the most used data types in Python and is very flexible or mutable, meaning it can easily be changed.
  • Нить: A string is a sequence of characters surrounded by quotation marks.
  • Функция: A function is a piece of code that performs a specific task. When a function is “called,” Python retrieves the code for that function and then runs it. After the function is finished, the program runs the next command after that line of code.
  • Библиотеки: In Python, libraries contain codes that were written in previous programs. You can re-use this code in your program for faster development. Python comes with a Standard Library but you can import modules, or sections of a library, to your code to make it more powerful (not covered in Banana Tales).

Чтобы лучше понять приведенные выше концепции и изучить все тонкости Python, мы рекомендуем поиграть в Banana Tales со своим классом.

Я хочу научить детей Python. С чего начать?

Вы можете начать с регистрации на пробную версию CodeMonkey для учителей и сыграть в первые 21 задание Банановые сказки. Если вы хотите продолжить изучение этого универсального языка, вы можете приобрести Banana Tales для своего класса. Кроме того, вы можете проверить этот ресурс, which offers some Python learning books.

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