5 unexpected Career Paths beyond a programmer that uses code

Every day, we interact and are surrounded by the digital world and learning to code is a fundamental skill that everyone should develop. Understanding how to code is a step in understanding how things work in today’s world. Coding also helps develop skills like problem-solving, breaking tasks down into smaller steps, and expressing creativity.  

Day to day activities involving coding include using formulas on a spreadsheet in Google Sheets, using the self-checkout at a grocery store,  entering the product number for an item such as an apple, programming your coffee maker, and so much more!

Learning how to code is not only for those who have a goal to become a software engineer or app designer, just like learning basic arithmetic is not only for those who plan to become mathematicians or scientists! Some element of coding surrounds us and can now be found everywhere you look… including reading this blog post right this second! 

Another way to check out code is by exploring any page you visit in your browser. You may be asking yourself but how? Did you know that you can check out the HTML code this page is using by opening ‘Inspect Element’. This post by HubSpot explains how to open Inspect Element in various browsers, and below is a snapshot of  the coding for this page:

While learning how to develop and design websites can lead to a great high paying career, there are many other jobs that involve bits and pieces of coding and some of these career paths may surprise you. 

Here are the top 5 career paths that use a knowledge of code: 

Number 1: Music producer – Did you know that synthesizers can be programmed? There are also other elements to creating music that use some of the same concepts as coding. For example, think of a song that has multiple verses and a repeating chorus. What coding concepts can this represent? Look up the lyrics to your favorite song and consider writing a ‘function’ for each verse and a ‘loop’ for a repeating chorus.

Number 2. Game tester – Game developers are not the only ones who use coding! Game testers will play the game in its early phases to identify any bugs in the game, so they can be fixed before the game is introduced to the market.

Number 3: Scoreboards and Jumbotrons at sports games – A control panel is used to program and update the scoreboard. The person operating the control panel must understand how their actions, such as adding a point for the scoring team or signaling the final minute of a game, will then be reflected on the scoreboard. 

Number 4: Hacker – While the term “hacker” often has negative connotations, it is a very important role in developing computer system security. A ‘white hat’ is an ethical security hacker who works with companies in identifying vulnerabilities in their computer systems or networks.

Number 5: Virtual ICU medical provider – A virtual ICU, or EICU, medical provider is a member of the medical team who monitors patients in real time from a remote office. State-of-the-art technology is used so that the remote medical provider is able to monitor patients and their critical data in a different location while communicating with the on-site medical team. Telehealth is another example of the medical field that uses technology in order to support remote and long-distance health related services.

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