We boosted the Gradebook!

You asked, we listened!
Select multiple courses (new) and calculate overall grades based on student performance! Previously teachers could filter by name or progress, but now the Gradebook progress filtering has changed to all selected courses.

Coding Courses for Kids

  • Multiselect Courses
    CodeMonkey added a multi-select course option so now the overall performance of students can be viewed in relation to the selected course.
  • Grades in Numbers, Letters or Percent
    You can now show grades in either of these formats.
  • Courses and Quizzes Selector
    Select courses and quizzes in a dropdown menu.
  • Course Certificates
    Now located under the Progress tab, the certificates button enables you to generate a certificate once the student completed a course.
  • NEW! Proficiency Tab
    This table provides teachers with an estimation of a student’s level of understanding and knowledge of a coding concept.
  • Coding Adventure Lessons – New Location 
    CodeMonkey Lessons is now located under the ‘Courses’ tab, as a secondary tab.

Help Article > help.codemonkey.com/en/articles/3592850-what-is-the-gradebook

My Classrooms > Gradebook Tab

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