La mejor edad para que un niño comience a codificar

With the growth of technology and the demand for tech skills in the job market, more and more parents are considering coding classes for their children. But what is the best age for a child to start coding? Is it too early to introduce coding to young children? Is it too late to start teaching coding to older children? 

In this guide for parents, we’ll discuss the different factors to consider when deciding the best age for a child to start coding. We’ll also discuss the benefits of introducing coding to children at an early age and tips and resources for teaching coding to children of any age.

What is Coding? 

Coding is the language of computers and technology. It’s the language used to write software and applications, create websites and even control robots. Essentially, coding is the instructions written by a programmer to tell a computer what to do. Coding is like learning a foreign language. 

Like with any language, you must learn syntax and structure before communicating. However, writing more complex programs is easier once you learn the basics. The same principles apply to coding – once you understand the fundamental concepts, you can build upon them to create more advanced and complex programs. 

Children need to start learning to code as early as possible, as it will prepare them for the future and open up opportunities in tech-related fields. In addition, coding is becoming increasingly important in today’s world, and those proficient at it are in high demand. Coding can be used in everyday situations as well. For example, coding can program lights to turn on and off at certain times or create a robot to clean up the house. It helps automate tasks and make processes more efficient. Coding can even be used to program games for children to play! 

Learning to code does not necessarily require a deep understanding of complex concepts. Instead, it is more about understanding the basics and using these principles to solve problems. In addition, coding can be done in many different languages, so children can start with something simple like HTML or Scratch and then move on to more complex programming languages.

Cuanto antes mejor

Generally, experts agree that children should be taught how to code at the earliest age possible. All children develop various skills at different rates and with different learning styles. Still, you can generally start teaching the basics of a skill to a child around the age of 5 or 6.  Eight-year-olds can learn more advanced coding. The best place to start is by introducing various logical games that simulate the skill of coding. Children can then move on to more demanding exercises.

Several studies have shown that children who code from the beginning of their elementary school education achieve better academic performance throughout their education. When compared to children who don’t engage in coding-related learning, a higher percentage of children who start coding early gain interest in STEM, both in college and professionally.

Otra forma de pensar

Parents are increasingly more interested in preparing their kids for success and giving them the best possible chance of getting into competitive universities. Although a well-meaning motive, what’s more, beneficial for kids who code is that they will learn how to think logically.

Other aspects of cognition, such as creativity and critical thinking skills are also important and should be taught and practiced. Coding, however, goes a step further to teach children problem-solving, a skill that requires several aspects of cognition firing across multiple cylinders. Not only does problem-solving benefit individuals professionally and academically, but in practical aspects of daily functioning. A child who codes learns how to approach every issue with a solution-oriented mindset.

Often, coding is talked about as something you should pivot towards if you want to be a more competitive candidate for higher education or jobs. However, the most important age group that benefits from learning to code is children. The core principle of coding is tapping into your mentalidad de resolución de problemas. To do so, you need a disciplined and dedicated approach to work. Perhaps the most important aspect of coding from a child’s perspective is learning the core skills of logic and reasoning.

Fixing bugs is another important aspect of coding. When you start a program and see that the result is unexpected, you need to continue researching, exploring, and finding out wherein lies the issue. Going through the program once again, behind the scenes, step-by-step enables kids to trace back logical steps and develop applicable solutions.

Learning how things work behind the scenes

Once children can sort out logical problems to debug programs, children are faced with another challenge: learning how to avoid and prevent future issues in the program. Today, kids are growing up with technology as a crucial part of their everyday lives. From the moment they wake up to the moment they go the sleep, they are deeply submerged in the technological realm. Many parents fear these habits because of tech’s negative association with addiction and behavior changes, but you can never eliminate the technological surroundings of today’s world. More so, children who master technology will see many benefits.

It’s one thing to know how to use a mobile phone or a tablet. Knowing cómo exactly they work and which technological principles are at play is a whole other ballgame. Coding, therefore, helps children realize how processes work “behind the scenes.” By using coding-related software, kids will slowly learn what powers an application, website, or other types of programs. With these knowledge-building blocks, kids will gradually see the bigger picture and learn how to recognize the poor design, faulty apps, and much more. As a result, they will perceive the world around them in a completely different way with an increased sense of power, control, and competency. Kids who code will understand why something doesn’t work in the way that it should, and they will learn what´s happening beneath the surface of daily tech activities.

La codificación como expresión de la creatividad

We all need a balance in our lives of work and creativity. Children especially have a highly-structured school day to maintain classroom management, and so like adults, and perhaps even more so, children need creative outlets to give them a sense of autonomy and increase self-confidence. Children who don’t usually enjoy typical forms of artistic expression such as drawing, writing, or music can meet expressive needs and develop expressive capabilities in coding.

Even as beginners, kids can start creating their own games, websites, and apps. For children, as well as teens and adults, it’s very important to feel that they have the power to create. This, in turn, will help them build self-confidence around their existing skills and abilities.

la mejor edad para que un niño comience a codificar

Things to Keep in Mind When Teaching Children to Code?

When teaching children to code, it is essential to keep some things in mind. As coding is a complex subject requiring a lot of patience and attention, these five things can help ensure your child’s coding experience is positive.

  1. Start with the Basics

Before you start teaching your child how to code, it is essential to understand the basics of coding. As a parent, it is crucial to understand the fundamentals of coding and programming languages to explain them to your child. Coding is a skill that needs to be developed over time and practice, and starting with the basics will help ensure your child has a good understanding of the subject.

  1. Make It Fun

The best way to ensure your child has an enjoyable coding experience is by making it fun. Incorporating game-like activities into the lessons can make coding more enjoyable for the child. For example, create simple coding games such as “Guess the Color” or “Move the Object” to engage your child’s interest in coding. You can also use stories and role-play activities to help explain coding concepts and make them easier to understand.

  1. Set Realistic Expectations

It is important to set realistic expectations when it comes to teaching your child how to code. However, setting unrealistic expectations can lead to frustration and hinder learning. Instead, allow your child to take their time to learn and understand the concepts. You don’t have to put too much pressure on them. It’s also important to provide positive reinforcement when your child has made progress in understanding the concepts.

  1. Keep them Focused

When teaching children to code, staying focused on the task at hand is important. If your child gets distracted or starts losing interest in coding, it is best to take a break and return later when they are ready to focus again. 

  1. Se paciente

Learning to code takes time and effort, so parents and teachers must remain patient. It can be easy to become frustrated if your child is not grasping concepts as quickly as you would like, but patience and encouragement are key in helping them succeed in coding. 

Coding can be a great way for children to explore their creativity, hone problem-solving skills and develop an appreciation for technology. By following these five tips, parents can help ensure their child has a successful and enjoyable coding experience.

Coding Resources for Kids

Game-based apps and software are some of the best coding resources for kids. They are fun and engaging and offer kids an excellent opportunity to learn coding at their own pace. Here are some of the best game-based apps and software that can teach kids to code:

  1. CodeMonkey

CodeMonkey is a coding game designed for students ages 8-13. It teaches students how to program in JavaScript and CoffeeScript through a fun and interactive game. This game teaches students basic coding concepts such as looping, functions, conditions, and variables. CodeMonkey also features CodeMonkey Jr, tailored for kindergartens and younger kids. Kids will also be exposed to other learning resources like its La Hora de Código so students can challenge themselves.

  1. Rasguño

Scratch is a free visual programming language developed by MIT for students aged 8-16. Students can create interactive stories, games and animations by dragging and dropping code blocks. This makes it an ideal tool for introducing kids to coding concepts and problem-solving skills. Additionally, Scratch has a vibrant online community with tons of tutorials and projects that kids can explore. 

  1. Kodable

Kodable is an online coding platform for children aged 4-7. It helps kids learn the basics of coding through various fun and interactive activities. The activities involve navigating characters through mazes, collecting gems and more. Kodable also provides opportunities for more advanced coders to create their levels, share them with friends or compete in coding challenges.

  1. Blockly

Blockly is a visual programming language that helps kids learn how to code using blocks instead of text. It’s used in both classrooms and homeschools to teach kids to think like programmers by breaking down coding into smaller chunks. Blockly is designed for learners of all ages, from 6 to 16. In addition, it’s open source, so anyone can contribute to its development or create their versions.

  1. Tynker

Tynker is a comprehensive coding platform for kids aged 8-15. It offers a variety of tools such as tutorials, drag-and-drop programming blocks, pre-built projects and more. Tynker also allows kids to create games, animations, websites and apps. In addition, it has a large library of educational content, including coding challenges and creative courses.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Best Age for Kids To Learn To Code

What is the best age for a child to learn to code? 

While kids of all ages can benefit from coding, research has shown that the optimal time to start coding is around 5 or 6. At this age, children are old enough to understand abstract concepts but young enough to be unencumbered by preconceived notions or limited life experience. In addition, starting at this age gives kids the best chance to develop skills in a field that will be increasingly important in the future. 

Can a seven years old kid learn to code?

Yes! Seven-year-olds have strong problem-solving and logic skills, which make them well-suited to learning to code. Seven-year-olds may also have already been exposed to computer programs and devices, which can make learning to code easier for them than younger children. With some guidance and patience, seven-year-olds can often begin to grasp more advanced topics such as game development, robotics programming, and web design.  

What is the best way to teach kids to code?

The best way to teach children how to code will depend on their age and skill level. For very young children, block coding may be the most effective approach. Block coding involves using visual blocks to represent lines of code, making it much easier for children to comprehend. Text-based coding is usually preferable for older children because it allows them to write code more quickly and efficiently. 


The early elementary years are the best age for a child to be introduced to coding. At this time, kids will use the ideal cognitive stage of development to sow seeds for more complex knowledge as they age and grow. The best of the best in coding often started taking an interest and learning to code around age 5 or 6. When children are taught logical-thinking skills and adopt a problem-solving mindset, they will comprehend more complex concepts of coding later in life. Much like a child who learns a language early and does not retain the language, even those children who do not maintain an interest in coding as they age will benefit from the understanding of basic technology concepts that will enhance other learning and be invaluable to their future success.


Dorian Martin es escritor, editor y asesor educativo. El trabaja con los mejores servicios de redacción, ayudando a los estudiantes de todo el mundo a alcanzar su máximo potencial. Dorian está especialmente interesado en la ciencia y la educación cognitivas. Ha publicado artículos en revistas científicas sobre el desarrollo cognitivo de los niños y las estrategias para el aprendizaje eficaz del lenguaje.

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2 opiniones en “The Best Age for a Child to Start Coding”

    1. Si a su hijo le gusta algo, generalmente se recomienda que deje que explore este interés más a fondo. Sin embargo, también se recomienda tener una variedad de intereses y, por lo tanto, es importante encontrar formas de conectar este interés con otros.

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