Case Study:

CodeMonkey was implemented in classrooms nationwide by his majesty the King of Bhutan.

Over 150K students from across Bhutan have now learned to code!

Schools Nationwide | Bhutan

CodeMonkey was chosen by the King of Bhutan to introduce Computer Science education into the country’s classrooms nationwide. The platform’s game-like courses and visually engaging curriculum were seen as an ideal way to teach coding to Bhutan’s students. The country’s entire education system was given the opportunity to introduce coding education into their classrooms, which was considered more important than ever.

A clear winner.

The Royal Society for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (RSSTEM), Education Ministry, and Department of Information Technology and Telecom (DITT) received a royal command to explore interesting educational platforms. CodeMonkey was selected from several coding platforms for its exemplary coding courses and curriculum. The courses teach block-based and text-based programming and even the advanced Python programming language, making it easy for students and teachers of all backgrounds to master fundamental coding concepts.

After a successful first year with CodeMonkey in their classrooms, the Ministry of Education continued its use to over 150K students from across Bhutan. The countryā€™s students benefited from this upgrade to their educational curriculum. CodeMonkey continued to meet their educational requirements, and both teachers and students were excited about their progress.

CodeMonkey was selected from several coding platforms for its exemplary coding courses and curriculum.

The benefits Bhutanese students have gained.

The introduction of computer science education in Bhutan has been a resounding success, with significant benefits for the country’s students. Education Minister Jai Bir Rai recognized the importance of developing critical and creative thinking skills through computer science education and CodeMonkey’s coding courses have enabled students to acquire the skills necessary for some of the most in-demand jobs today. Beyond just coding skills, teachers were seeing that learning to code has had a positive impact on Bhutanese students’ problem-solving and critical thinking abilities, as well as their creativity.

A coding curriculum that was both easy to learn and teach.

One of the keys to this success has been CodeMonkey’s easy-to-learn and teach coding curriculum. Designed to be accessible to students and teachers of all backgrounds, the platform has made it possible for even novice coders to master fundamental coding concepts. As a result, Bhutan’s students have been able to develop skills that will serve them well in the workforce and beyond. The success of this initiative is a testament to the power of effective and engaging educational technology.Ā 

Do you have an experience to share?

We at CodeMonkey would like to hear your story and how coding in general, CodeMonkey in particular, helped your organization as a whole. We’d love to hear about the experience of students, teachers, school or district-level management. 

We would like to share these stories with others so they can be inspired to bring the gift of coding to their organizations. We’d like to show that both large and small organizations have their own unique story. There are so many ways to educate the younger generation!

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CodeMonkey offers educational resources suitable for different grades and experience levels.