Hour of Code™ with CodeMonkey

Try a 'Free Hour'of our coding courses


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Every Student can try an hour of code

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Hour of Code™ is an international movement that reaches tens of millions of students each year in more than 180 countries across the world! With a goal of showing that anyone can learn the basics of coding, Hour of Code (HOC) has established itself as a successful initiative.

Try CodeMonkey's FREE Hour of Code courses to introduce your students to the basics of Computer Science in a fun and easy way!

¿Cómo funciona la hora del código?

La Hora de Código

paso 1

Choose a course that best suits your classroom (see below).

La Hora de Código

paso 2

Review the course’s teacher notes prior to class.

La Hora de Código

step 3

Make sure you have access to computers and Internet.

La Hora de Código

step 4

Code away! Certificates of Completion are available (below).

prueba nuestra hora gratuita de actividades de codificación

choose a course below to start playing!

aplicación de codificación para niños en edad preescolar.

CodeMonkey Jr. | Para Pre-escolares | Moviendo bloques

Los niños de 4 a 6 años codificarán moviendo bloques para ayudar a un monito a atrapar plátanos y desbloquear un tesoro.

El castor triunfador | A partir de los 6 años | Movimiento de bloques

Los estudiantes usarán la codificación moviendo bloques para ayudar a un castor a realizar tareas entretenidas.

aventura espacial

Aventura Espacial | A partir de los 7 años | CoffeeScript

Los estudiantes escribiran código real ayudando a un monito astronauta a atrapar platanos en el espacio.

curso de matemáticas y programación

Dodo y matemáticas | Edades 7 en adelante | Coffeescript

Los alumnos codificarán mientras resuelven ejercicios de matemática para ayudar a Dodo a recolectar los huevos que le faltan.

"Aventura de Programación"

Aventura de Programación | Edades 7 en adelante | CoffeeScript

Los alumnos ayudarán a un lindo monito a atrapar plátanos en desafíos de codificación llenos de diversión.

curso de pitón de banana tales

cuentos de bananas | edades 11 en adelante | Python

Los estudiantes aprenderán Python mientras ayudan a un monito bebé a atrapar plátanos.

Crea Juegos

crea juegos | Edades 11 en adelante | CoffeeScript

Los alumnos llevarán sus habilidades de codificación al siguiente nivel, construyendo juegos.


Moon Lander | Grades 6+ | Coffeescript

Los alumnos codificarán un juego basado en la física, que llevará una nave espacial a la luna.

Trivia Chatbot

Trivia Chatbot |Edades 11 en adelante | Python

Los estudiantes aprenderán Python mientras codifican un chatbot que albergará un juego de adivinanzas.

curso de puente de bloques

Blocks Jumper | GRADES 2+ | Block-based

Los estudiantes crearán juegos en una plataforma de arrastrar y soltar basada en bloques.

Digital Literacy Courses


Students learn the different aspects of 1. Digital Use 2. Digital Citizenship

AI IS A HOOT | Grades 6+ | Block-based

Train an AI model using your webcam. Students control the actions of the game's owl.

If you would like to keep your progress from your hour mini-courses, please sign up!

Join #CodeMonkey

and 100 million+ students

for an #Hour of Code

Learn More About 'Hour of Code'

Preguntas y respuestas más frecuentes

Hour of Code, as the name suggests, began as a one-hour introductory lesson in Computer Science.

Computer Science Education Week and Code.org began this global movement to introduce children of all ages and backgrounds to the important world of coding. They now reach tens of millions of students in 180+ countries!

Hour of Code stresses the importance of Computer Science in the 21st century and demonstrates that computer programming is not something to fear, but on the contrary, a skill that can easily become second nature.

Today, Hour of Code has grown from an hour to a week-long, worldwide initiative that promotes computer programming. Many companies, such as Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and more are behind this initiative.

Participate in the Hour of Code of week by trying a free hour of a CodeMonkey course that interests your student or child!

Hour of Code takes place annually during the CSEdWeek (Computer Science Education Week). The dates slightly vary from year to year as Hour of Code is held in recognition of the birthday of computing pioneer Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (December 9, 1906). 

Bookmark this page to keep updated on this year’s worldwide coding event – Hour of Code. Drag the icon by the URL in your browser for this page into your bookmark bar.

You can also play any of our coding courses year-round for free, right on here on this page!

Learning how to code helps nurture a variety of fundamental skills such as creativity, logic, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. By being introduced to coding early on, students can better prepare for the challenges of the 21st century. As computer usage increasingly saturates society, it’s up to future engineers to innovate and design software to improve quality of life.

Reasons to start kids coding early:

🍌Improve Children’s Math Knowledge and Analytical Thinking

🍌There is a Shortage of Computer Specialists

🍌Coding teaches Kids to Think In a Multidimensional Manner

🍌Coding Teaches Children How To Be Persistent In Solving Problems

🍌Coding Can Teach a Child to Be Confident and Creative

🍌It Facilitates Communication and Collaboration among Children

🍌Computer Programming Teaches Kids about the Technology from an Early Age


Stay in the loop with the latest news and updates about Hour of Code

Computer Science jobs

are the most in-demand jobs in the USA today!


“Technology is transforming every industry on the planet. In 2015, 7 million openings in the U.S. were in occupations—including art and design—that value coding skills. But 60 percent of schools in the U.S. don’t teach computer science. It’s time for us to catch up to the 21st-century. We know that regardless of what our students do when they grow up, whether they go into medicine, business, politics, or the arts, knowing how to build technology will give them confidence and a competitive edge.” – Code.org


hora de codificación



“The Hour of Code is designed to demystify code and show that computer science is not rocket science—anybody can learn the basics,” – Hadi Partovi, founder and CEO of Code.org.

“Learning to code is tremendously empowering. It lets you go from just being a consumer of technology to being a producer of it.” – Mehram Sahami, professor at Stanford University


Computer science and information technology jobs are projected to grow a whopping 13% through 2026. This is at a much faster rate than the average for all other occupation. There will be an estimated 557,100 new jobs in CS, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).Last year only 42,969 computer science students graduated into the workforce. That’s an amazing opportunity for any coding student’s future!

Hour of Code international


CodeMonkey Blogs on 'Hour of Code'

La Hora de Código

The Hour of Code is almost here! Activities are available for grade levels K-8. Introduce children to coding in a fun and easy way with CodeMonkey’s free hour of coding games for kids. Even new teachers in computer science can easily bring coding into your classroom and join the worldwide movement of Hour of Code. Non-profit organization Code.org started the week-long event. Hour of Code takes place during CSE week (falling every December).

La Hora de Código

Create a successful Hour of Code for your students this December! It’s important to give every child a chance to learn computer science and coding with CodeMonkey is a great way to start. Jobs in Computer science are in demand so let’s start giving children a jump start on a bright future. The first step is learning about Hour of Code on the Hour of Code CodeMonkey page or going to hourofcode.org to learn more. 

La Hora de Código

1. Choose an Hour of Code activity that best fits your students.
2. Sign up for your classroom. Parents can also get involved.
3. Plan for your technology needs.
4. Celebrate your student’s Hour of Code achievements!
5. Go beyond an Hour of Code and keep your kids coding!

Stay in the loop with the latest news and updates about Hour of Code

check out our past 'HOUR OF CODE' webinars

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Vamos Más allá ¡de una hora!

Prepare your students for a journey into the future - Develop their coding skills today!

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