Plan de estudios k-8 de CodeMonkey
CodeMonkey ofrece recursos educativos adecuados para diferentes grados y niveles de experiencia.
¿Qué cursos te interesan?
Codificación utilizando bloques
Codificación basada en texto
creación y codificación avanzadas
Guided Courses, Reviews, Games & Creation
Pre-K & Kindergarten
CodeMonkey Jr. es para los alumnos más jóvenes. Esta aplicación les enseña a los niños de kindergarten los conceptos básicos de la codificación con una progresión de desafíos de juego. Usando bloques, los estudiantes construirán un conjunto de instrucciones de codificación visual para ayudar a llevar a un mono a un cofre del tesoro.
Grades / Min Age: PreK-1st (4+)
Challenges: 120, divided into 4 courses.
Lessons: 29, 35min each; 2 semesters. Includes videos.
Devices: Desktops/laptops/tablets/iPads
Prior Experience: Ninguna
Programming Language: Blocks
1er & 2mo Grado
Beaver Achiever es ideal para estimular a los estudiantes jóvenes a aprender habilidades de codificación esenciales. Sus estudiantes usarán bloques de codificación para ayudar al simpático castor a completar diferentes tareas en su hábitat natural.
Grades / Min Age: 1st-2nd (6+)
Challenges: 115 challenges. Includes quizzes.
Lessons: 23, 45 min each; 4.5 months / taught 1x per week.
Devices: Desktops/laptops/tablets/iPads
Prior Experience: Ninguna
Programming Language: Blocks
3ro - 5to Grado
Los desafíos altamente atractivos de Dodo Does Math ofrecen a los estudiantes una forma memorable de practicar matemáticas mientras codifican en CoffeeScript. En cada desafío, los estudiantes deben ayudar a la dodo a llegar a sus huevos utilizando habilidades matemáticas y de codificación del mundo real.
Grades / Min Age: 3rd-5th (8+)
Challenges: 60, divided into 3 courses.
Lessons: 9 all together (3 for each course).
Devices: Desktops/laptops/tablets/iPads
Prior Experience: First 30 Coding Adventure challenges.
Programming Language: CoffeeScript
3ro - 5to Grado
Coding Adventure es un entorno basado en juegos donde los estudiantes aprenden a codificar en CoffeeScript mientras ayudan a un mono a atrapar plátanos. El curso proporciona una entrada fácil a la codificación basada en texto.
Grades / Min Age: 3rd-5th (8+)
Challenges: 210 challenges; additional 210 practice challenges. Includes quizzes.
Lessons: 48, 45 min each; 3 semesters / taught 1x per week. Includes videos.
Devices: Desktops/laptops//irst 175 can be played on tablets/iPads
Prior Experience: Ninguna
Programming Language: CoffeeScript
Después de completar los cursos de codificación de CodeMonkey, tus estudiantes podrán navegar por el mundo de la programación con confianza y éxito.
3ro - 5to Grado
Digital literacy courses will introduce students to the different aspects of computers and how to use them. It will also teach students how to behave safely in the digital world. In each lesson, the students will learn a new subject by following a guided course, play various games that use the knowledge they just learned and answer review questions to demonstrate their knowledge on the topic.
Grades / Min Age: 3rd-5th (8+)
Courses: 2 Courses (16 lessons per course).
Devices: Desktops/laptops/tablets/iPads
Prior Experience: Ninguna
5to - 6to Grado
After completing the game design courses, students will get to execute every stage of the game-creation process – from choosing their own backgrounds to programming the rules of their games.
Grades / Min Age: 5th-6th (10+)
Exercises: 91, divided into 3 courses.
Lessons: 19, 45 min each; 1 semester / taught 1x per week.
Devices: Desktops/laptops
Experience: Basic coding knowledge
Programming Language: CoffeeScript
5to - 6to Grado
Welcome to the amazing world of Data Science made just for kids! Get ready to explore how to collect, store, and show data in super cool ways! This awesome course teaches you different ways to look at data and make it easy to understand. Each lesson they’ll learn something new with our helpful guided course, play fun games that use what they’ve learned and show what they know by answering review questions!
Grades / Min Age: 5th-6th (10+)
Lessons: 16, 2 creation lessons. 1 semester.
Devices: Desktops/laptops/tablets/iPads
Prior Experience: Ninguna
5to - 8to Grado
Covering crucial AI concepts from ethics to practical applications like image and language models, prompt engineering, machine learning, supervised and unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, neural networks and more! Experience model training using image and pose models, then turn that knowledge into action by creating your very own games using the models you have trained!
Grades / Min Age: 5th-8th (10+)
Lessons: 16, 3 creation lessons. 1 semester.
Devices: Desktops/laptops/tablets/iPads
Prior Experience: Ninguna
7to - 8to Grado
Banana Tales es un curso de codificación integral en el que los estudiantes usan Python para mover un plátano a un mono bebé despejando un camino y superando obstáculos en el camino.
Grades / Min Age: 7th-8th+ (12+)
Challenges: 150, within 2 courses. Includes quizzes.
Lessons: 22, 45 min each; 1.5 semesters / taught 1x per week. Includes videos.
Devices: Desktops/laptops
Prior Experience: Ninguna
Programming Language: Pitón
8to Grade+
With its chatbot interface, easy-to-read instructions, and real-world programming, Coding Chatbots is the perfect project-based solution for older students. In Coding Chatbots, students learn Python and chatbot interface elements as they program a real chatbot to host a popular guessing game.
Grades / Min Age: 8th+ (13+)
Exercises: 74
Lessons: 22, 45 min each; 1.5 semesters / taught 1x per week. Includes videos.
Devices: Desktops/laptops
Prior Experience: Ninguna
Programming Language: Pitón
1er Grade and Up!
Monthly Activities are ✨1 WEEK ONLY✨ games that change monthly! It’s a fun way for kids to get a special bonus coding course that relates to the current holidays! All holiday course activities are on the Game Builder platform using block-based coding. Available for Schools, Home, and Trial users!
Length: Exercises in the course change every month.
Grades: Great for beginners and advanced coders!
- Tablero de control del aula
- Plan de lecciones
- Calificación automática
- Tutoriales en video
- Actividades "Hora de Código"
- Inicio de sesión único
- Menú temático fácil de usar
- Soporte en línea
- Estándares actualizados
¿Que estas esperando?
¡Empieza ya a enseñar a tus alumnos los conceptos básicos de la informática y prepáralos para el futuro!